30. August 2009

Lake Gräppelen

Today, my dad and I did a hike to the mountains "Alpstein". We went to the Windenpass which is 1630m above sea level.

A cold swim in lake "Gräppelen" was perfect to cool down :-)

All in all we walked over 15km this day. As a reason of that we were very exhausted in the evening and had an early night.

27. August 2009

beautiful summer day in Herisau

Today, I caught up with Livia and we did a little walk to enjoy the hot weather and the amazing flora and fauna around Herisau :-).

Milan with my brother Fabian

The last two days I was with my brother in Milan. It was my first time there and I really enjoyed it. Fabian had a week off from work and it was lovely to spend some time with him.

The dome there is such a beautiful and stunning structure and we were lucky that it wasn't wrapped in drapery because most of the time they're doing some restorations

On our way back we had a short stop in Lugano, a beautiful town situated on lake Lugano.

21. August 2009

Mount Säntis with dad

Yesterday, my dad and I did a hike to mount Säntis. The weather was summerly...nearly 30 degrees. Because of that we stood up very early in the morning to start our climb at 7 o'clock am. The view was fantastic...it was a perfect day! :-)

10. August 2009

Znacht mit David und Inge Benda

De David und d'Inge kenn i dur d'Britta und gescht Nomittag han i d'Inge wieder emol bsuecht. Da sind so liebe Menschä...chönd er eu gar ned vorstellä :-) Ha öppert bruucht zum redä, will i chli Heiweh han :-) Uf jedä Fall hend mer am Obig no en wunderschöne Spaziergang mit ihne sim Hund gmacht und denn hends mi sogar no zum Znacht iglade. Es het en mega feinä Salot geh mit richtigem Brot ;-) und Lachs. I letschter Ziit isch nämli Salot und dunkels, chörnigs Brot echli z churz cho bi mir :-) Übrigens....d'Inge chunnt ursprügnlich us Österreich :-)

9. August 2009

Babyschwimmen mit Lucas

Am Fritig Morge het de Lucas immer Babyschwimme und will sis Mami momentan in England isch, sind mer zemä is Bassin ghüpft. Er machts mega gern und am liebschte sprützt er alli a, idem er mit beidnä Händ chräftig ufd Wasseroberflächi pflatscht ;-)

2. August 2009

1. August Brunch :-)

Am 1. August han i en Brunch vorbereitet mit Birchermüesli, Rösti und Spiegelei, Zopf und Chäs. Es isch en glungne Morge gsi und alli hend sich d'Büüch vollgschlage. Debi sind gsi: Clare, John und Lucas, de Clare ihres Mami d'Christina mit ihrem Maa em John, de Clare ihri Schwöster d'Sara mit ihrem Maa em Peter und ihne sim gmeinsame Sohn, em James :-)
Es hend alli was Rots agha, wa mi natürli mega gfreut het :-) Alli ussert i ;-)